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Your source for the latest delivery management industry tips, trends, hot takes and general updates. Our blog is your go-to resource for all things related to optimizing delivery processes, enhancing customer experiences, and staying ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of last mile delivery.

Hot takes

The Power of Carrier Diversification in Last Mile Delivery
7 Tactics to Reduce Cart Abandonment Rates
Why Route Optimization is Vital for Retailers
  • 3 Ways to Handle Excess Inventory in Retail

    Excess inventory negatively affects cash flow and increases storage costs. Here’s what retailers can do about it.

    3 Ways to Handle Excess Inventory in Retail
  • 7 Tactics to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates

    The role that last mile plays in the online shopping process – and how it can reduce digital cart abandonment.

    7 Tactics to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates
  • E-Commerce is Alive and Growing

    Has eCommerce growth truly slowed? Guy Bloch’s outlook on eCommerce trends in the near future.

    E-Commerce is Alive and Growing
  • Reverse Logistics

    Learn how to efficiently manage reverse logistics at scale to increase revenue and customer satisfaction.

    Reverse Logistics
  • Cutting Down on Last Mile Delivery Costs

    Cutting costs on delivery should be a priority for every e-commerce retailer. Since roughly half of total delivery costs are spent on last mile delivery, that is where e-retailers need to concentrate their efforts. Analyzing what makes last mile delivery operations so expensive and understanding the last mile delivery cost breakdown, is the first step…

    Cutting Down on Last Mile Delivery Costs
  • Cutting Down on Last Mile Delivery Costs: 3 Leading Strategies

    In order to reduce delivery costs and keep your customers happy, start thinking less about expenses, and more about improving efficiency, from the moment the order is placed until it’s delivered.

    Cutting Down on Last Mile Delivery Costs: 3 Leading Strategies
  • Unpredictable Supply Chain: Four Tips for Retailers

    An unpredictable supply chain has become the new normal. What happens when you take this uncertainty and compound it with global inflation and rising customer expectations for lower prices and next-day delivery? The result is shrinking margins and increased competition. The best way to win this battle is to become extra predictable. Whether it’s the…

    Unpredictable Supply Chain: Four Tips for Retailers
  • Stock Availability: Key to Last Mile Performance

    Stock availability is the cornerstone of last mile delivery. Without a readily available supply of stock, it makes no difference how many drivers, delivery vans, or warehouses spread out over the country a retailer has access to. It all goes back to the stock. With the world shaken up by the effects of the pandemic,…

    Stock Availability: Key to Last Mile Performance
  • WISMO: What it Means, and What You Need to Know

    In an age of massively increased eCommerce, customers and businesses alike are having to get used to a new reality. Whereas previously a customer would simply pick up an item, purchase it, and walk out of the store, the widespread adoption of online purchases mean that there are far more unknowns. To give a basic…

    WISMO: What it Means, and What You Need to Know
  • Delivery Route Optimization & Customer Satisfaction

    According to Pitney Bowes, parcel shipping exceeds 131bn in volume globally, and it is likely to more than double by 2026. This makes just getting a package to the right person seem like a Herculean task. Compounding the sheer numbers, are the expectations fueled by e-commerce giants such as Amazon and Walmart, for same-day or…

    Delivery Route Optimization & Customer Satisfaction