To access the 2022 Bringg Barometer: State of Retail Delivery and Fulfillment, click here.
We’re past the initial hype of the ‘new normal’. Consumers have grown accustomed to buying everything from staples to discretionary items online, and relying on multiple delivery and fulfillment methods to receive their purchases. While retailers and industry analysts agree that these fundamental changes in consumer behavior are not going away, there is also a consensus that current fulfillment operations – as they are now – will not stand up to demand.
What’s missing? In many cases, the digitization and automation that will allow retailers to expand their delivery and fulfillment options in order to profitably meet the needs of the growing online market, while turning a profit.
We surveyed 1,000 retailers, asking them to assess their delivery and fulfillment operations today, and their priorities for this year. The infographic below highlights answers to:
- Which in-store and alternative fulfillment channels have become the new norm
- The top pains retailers face with scaling up delivery, and how they plan to cut overhead costs
- How retailers are prioritizing their 2021 delivery and fulfillment operations for speed, costs, and sustainability